by, Corey Nash

Rochester, NY- RochesterWorks! hosted its annual Employer & Volunteer appreciation breakfast after wrapping up another successful year of the Summer of Opportunity/Summer Youth Employment Program.

This annual breakfast gives an opportunity for business & youth participants to share their summer experiences and recognize their highlights. The youth had the opportunity to work for companies like Custo Print, In-Control, City of Rochester (Parks & Rec Services), Cook Iron Store, and FoodLink.

“I have grown so much since joining this program.” Jayven Mitchell-Cruz said. “Its programs like these that help our community.” 

The event provided an opportunity to hear from influential partners in our local area as well. Monroe County Executive Cheryl Dinolfo and Senator Joe Robach stopped in to applaud the success of the program and how it has progressed over the years.

“I really would like to thank RochesterWorks! & Monroe County for coming together, it’s really great.” Senator Robach said. “I would also like to thank the businesses because you help make this program work.”

Antwan Williams, Director of Youth System Services, highlighted the amount of success the program has had, and believes that they can assist more youth in the community moving forward.

“Next year I want to get the number of youths we serve to over a thousand, and I truly believe we can do that.”